Police Interview Room Techniques

Interviews in a police setting are conducted with the aim of gathering information, establishing the truth and determining the level of involvement of a suspect in a crime. The following are some commonly used interview room techniques in a police setting:

Rapport building: Establishing a good relationship with the interviewee to encourage them to be more cooperative and truthful.

Open-ended questions: Asking questions that allow the interviewee to give a complete and detailed answer, rather than a simple yes or no.

Active listening: Paying close attention to what the interviewee is saying and showing empathy and understanding.

Minimal encouragers: Using non-verbal cues such as nods, smiles, and gestures to signal that the interviewer is listening and interested.

Probing: Asking follow-up questions to gather more information and clarify details.

The Reid Technique: A nine-step process for interrogation, which involves building rapport, confrontation, and obtaining a confession.